"Denise Woods has been my yoga teacher since I started my practice over 2 years ago and I couldn't imagine practicing without her! She has helped me transform my life and I am forever grateful.
Being a person who had lost connection with my body, I knew yoga was the way to build a relationship with my body that I had buried under layers of fat to protect myself. I needed to reconnect and yoga seemed like the way to go...
I was so scared at first to just get through the studio door, but the universe had lined up some wonderful people in my path, a place to practice and Denise was there!! Her energy was so welcoming and kind. The music she played during our practice, her encouragement and her gentle pushing and guiding has changed my life forever! Her true gift as a teacher is to make you feel so comfortable that you push yourself into poses you would never see yourself doing, but you do it, and you feel like you are amazing!
The first time I was asked to do a handstand prep ( the L pose at the wall) I said to myself "no way!" but Denise smiled at me and I decided I would try... and picture it... a woman 100 lbs overweight with her feet on the wall and her hands planted on her mat in an L pose!! I held it for a couple of seconds and then came down... I laid in savasana with a big old smile on my face because my teacher, my Denise, created a safe place for me to explore my edges and feel good about myself again!! I have had so many experiences like this throughout my two year practice and I am looking forward to having so many more!
I owe her so much of my gratitude and love, for she has become not only my teacher but my friend! I love you Denise for showing me the way back to myself, and helping me harness my energy and power! Namaste!"
Vicky G. - Educator, Class and Retreat Participant
"Denise sits gracefully at the top of my list of yoga instructors. After practicing for over twelve years with as many teachers I remain thrilled every week to breathe and learn with her through whatever comes up on the mat.
She is a positive, encouraging yoga teacher who makes sure everyone in her class is guided and challenged.
Her classes make me stronger without feeling like aerobics class. She plays a variety of music and gives a lot of thought to the sequence of poses. Whether you are new to yoga or an instructor yourself, you will enjoy practicing with Denise."
Nonnahs D. - Mother of 2 in Los Angeles, Founder of Get Organized Already, Class Participant
"Denise, tonight's class was so powerful for me. I think because we did a few new things and other things in a new way, I was able to feel my power in ways I hadn't before. Even when I couldn't quite get there I was able to see/feel very clearly how far I have come in the last 10 months. The back bends really got me too...in this pose my blocks aren't physical, they are distinctly emotional which is a totally different aspect to deal with. It's no joke when it's said that heart openers make a person feel vulnerable. Hit me hard tonight but I was so grateful to be in a space where I know to my core that I am loved, cared for, and accepted exactly as I am. I am so grateful for you! Your teaching style and your spirit simply shine!"
Cheryl N. - Educator, Class and Retreat Participant
"The power of the universe lies within Denise Woods and the beauty of her is that she has worked with me to find that very same power within myself. She yields her strength with compassion and has taught me how to move my body and connect it to my mind. I have learned how to find emotional contentment outside of overeating and listen to what my body tells me. I am finding how to navigate this world in a healthy way without judgement.
I am a physician who happens to also have severe asthma that has rendered me breathless and helpless on a regular basis. But new beginnings have come with Denise and yoga. She is helping me find the breath that has eluded me all my life and truly find health. Yoga is a magnificient part of health and should be a part of our medicinal armamentarium. I have first hand seen the positive effects of yoga. I have studied and worked in hospitals for years and spent countless hours learning the phsyiology of the human body. I have come to see that yoga should be included in treating disease and maintaining health.
I am grateful to Denise for helping me be a better physician and helping me find my own health. She is indeed 'the real deal' and one of the most powerful humans I have ever enountered. It is a priviledge to breath the same air as her!"
April S. - Physician, Private Client
"I have known Denise since college, and have watched her grow to be one of the most inspirational Yoga Instructors I have come across in my career. Denise is also a fantastic Dance Instructor.
Denise Woods and I met at CSULB in the Dance Depatment. Since her graduation, I have seen Denise thrive. She took the dream of having a dance career in her early twenties, through hard work and dedication, Denise made it her reality. When Denise wanted to instruct Yoga, she pursued that goal, and has become successful and thriving in her career choice. Denise always seems to be improving on her craft, talking about how to expand herself as an instuctor and constantly progressing as a Yogi.
No one in my life works harder than Denise Woods. She is one of the most determined and dedicated women I know. While she strives for the best, she keeps her sense of zen calm and exudes the elegance of what you would expect of someone who has dedicated themselves to the practice of Yoga."
Jasmine W.- Dance Instructor, Massage Therapist, Class Participant & Peer
"With the background of being a professional dancer, it can be difficult to find a yoga instructor who has the knowledge and body awareness that dancers or athletes are used to, without stumbling upon a class that inevitably ends up being more about burning calories or showcasing advanced inversions. In addition, it is rare to find someone who fosters a healthy, patient, uplifting, and safe environment that focuses on bringing the mind, body and soul into balance in a lighthearted way. With Denise, you get the best of both worlds.
Over the years I’ve tried nearly every yoga studio in Los Angeles to find the best of the best yoga instructors. It’s no surprise that Denise, a fellow dancer, is one of the few yoga instructors I trust and feel always has everyone's best interest at heart. Whether you are looking for a new yoga instructor or dance teacher, Denise truly raises the bar. You will find that she genuinely cares about her students and is constantly learning and growing to improve her practice. She has the strength, passion and awareness of a dancer and the capacity to consciously observe the needs of each individual to give proper adjustments in a fun loving way. She helps each student develop a practice that heals, strengthens, inspires, empowers and carries over into your daily life."
Liberty C. Actor, Profesional Dancer & Avid Yogini
"The most important aspect of teaching, especially to children is passion, and Denise Woods has tons of it! She approaches her classes with creativity, knowledge, and dedication. I was impressed with her level of involvement in planning her classes, her ideas for games and activities, and ultimately her connection & joy in sharing Yoga with Children.
As an assistant Denise was impeccable! She came prepared with ideas, supplies, and input, but was also eager to learn and listen to my preparations and lesson plan for the Children’s Yoga workshop. Not only was she reliable, Denise was kind, helpful, calm, and the children and parents loved her. It was an absolute pleasure to share the wonders of Children’s Yoga with this teacher."
Event: “Exploring Children’s Yoga” Yoga Soup, Santa Barbara 10/10
Maureen C. - Children’s Yoga Instructor, Owner of Yoga Dreams
"I am so grateful that I attended the Grow Your Soul retreat this year. Denise and Jessica did an exceptional job setting us up for a beautiful, fun, challenging, yummy, and super intentional weekend. Every activity was well thought out and the weekend flowed beautifully. As a new mom, it was especially rewarding for me to take this much needed time out. I was able to laugh, cry, pause, breath and most important, I was able to shift my focus inward and listen. I didn't realize how much I needed this special time. I highly recommend this retreat to everyone! Thank you Denise and Jessica for providing this life changing weekend for me. Still glowing and growing. Much Love, Kat Carrington
Highlights: Doing sixty sun salutations on the deck overlooking Lake Arrowhead, engaging in a stand up paddle board session, eating delicious food, dancing my heart out, taking a long nap, writing, sharing and listening with new friends, driving home filled up with so much love, focus and smiles."
Kathryn Carrington - Momma, Workshop and Retreat Participant